nosh nook #94 - thursday, july 23, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009 at 9:00AM
parowpyro in airlines, nosh nook

united airlines expands choice menu meal, snack options (link)
07.22.09 - pr newswise

over the last week, i've had three opportunities to fly the wicked awesome skies of united airlines. only once did i have the opportunity to sample their food/drink service. the OJ with ice was nice & all, but there wasn't even an offer of food. granted, one leg only had fifty people or so (& a cute dog! right in the seat in front of me!), but i didn't even get a bag of crappy peanuts thrown my way. apparently under three hours = bev service only.

according to a press release issued yesterday, on august 1st, travelers on most united flights over two hours will be treated to the airline's new line of four "choice menu" snackboxes. the four choice menu choices--"active," "classic," "luxe" & "organic"-- replace the current "smartpack," "minimeal," "quickpick" & "rightbite" options. wow. thatsa lotta branding.

the press release doesn't really get into what these vague terms mean, but there are mentions of a blueberry muffin, gourmet deli plate & continental breakfast in the morn, roast beef, turkey & caprese sandwiches, a cheese tray & mediterranean, southwestern & chicken caesar salads the rest of the time. you can always get mixed berry yogurt parfaits, a la carte items & premium beverages including strawberry smoothies.

maybe if they'd hooked me up with some of that awesomeness, i wouldn't have cared about being delayed or canceled on every single leg of my journey. shit, they could've made me happy with 15-20 peanuts.

Article originally appeared on meditation via snacking. (
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