pumpktoberfest #43 -
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pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in burger (11)


nosh nook #9 - thursday, march 26, 2009

whitecaps' fifth third burger not for faint of heart (link)
03.25.09 - the grand rapids press - by michael zuidema

if there's one thing that minor league baseball teams like to do, it's do CAH-RAY-ZEE things to get people to come to games.my personal favorite minor league promotions include:

"awful night" (altoona curve) - a dead fish slingshot catch, a giveaway of the team's general manager's gall bladder & autographs with non-celebrities

"who wants to be a turkish millionaire" (nashua pride) - crowd members answer questions for one million turkish lira (back when that much used to be worth around a dollar)

"nobody night" (charleston riverdogs) - the owner shut the entire crowd out of the stadium until the fifth inning, when the game became official & the game attendance officially became 0.

now the west michigan whitecaps, a detroit tigers' affiliate, are garnering publicity because they're adding a 4,800-calorie ballpark snack to the menu--a five-patty burger with a bunch of other junk on it. this video, from the grand rapids press, does a great job of putting this treat in perspective:

as michael zuidema mentions in his piece, the team has, in the past, offered a number of awesome snack options at the ballpark--deep-fried twinkies, deep-fried pepsi (i don't even know how that'd work) & turkey drumsticks. i would so love to munch on a huge-ass turkey drumstick at a ball game. it'd be just like kind richard's faire, but with less jousting. bring it on brooklyn cyclones! medieval night! do it do it do it!

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