#58 - i touch myself.

so both my personal & work computers are currently deader than pushing daisies (i killed em both good!) & it's a lazy lame friday night in shawnland & ooh the blog urges, so i'm doing it. i'm blogging entirely from my ipod touch.
it's like twitter to the fifty gazillionth degree! jack dorsey is going to be so proud of my tiny handheld device writing abilities when he hears about my skillz...although he'll likely frown upon my excessive use of characters. here you are jack dorsey:
i find that 140 characters is an insultingly insufficient & stifling amount of characters in which to try to develop a full, coherent tho...
i'm friggin' obsessed with my ipod touch. it's like a mini-computer & it's about as jetson as i've ever been. if you're a close friend somewhere else other than nyc & want to talk about the weather, that's cool with me. i embrace that thought, as i likely have your city stored in the weather app on my ipod touch & know about your blustery winds.
don't want to talk about the weather? let's talk about my ipod touch then. my ipod touch has a facebook app & a myspace app on it, which means i'm now stalking you on the go & probably listening to fresh air as i do so.
i love my ipod touch. ipod touch. ipod touch. ipod touch.
#58 - i touch myself.
snack: cold mcdonalds french fries with sweet & sour sauce
drink: allagash white ale
earlier tonight, i got lazy & got mcdonalds for dinner & after inhaling the ranch bacon chicken sandwich, i had to wait on the fries to avoid stomach explosion. two hours later, i've returned to the fries with a tub of sweet & sour sauce. much of the time, i could be eating cardboard, as long as it's slathered in sweet & sour sauce, so cold mcdonalds french fries are more than sufficient as a delivery mechanism for the sauce.
& i'm washing these cold fries down with an allagash white ale. i think it's safe to say that the allagash white, from portland, maine, is my favorite white beer. it's made with all sorts of yummy spices & i'd take it over blue moon any day of the week.
hey! did you hear about my ipod touch? if i want, i can get all kinds of stupid apps for it. there's one app called "sound grenade" that "generates a really, really annoying, nauseating and headache producing high pitched sound." there's another called "fart for free," which allows you to "disgust your girlfriend" or "reminisce on past farts." both sound extremely useful.
ooh! you know what's the best part about my ipod touch? with the stellar economy, when i find myself looking for work, i'll be ready to kick ass on those touch screen registers at mcdonalds. i'll be like the tiger woods of those things. minimum wage & high school companions here i come!
sent from my ipod touch