nosh nook #162 - tuesday, october 27, 2009

cheesecakes vs cheese steaks (link)
10.26.09 - the ny times - by jennifer 8. lee
woo hoo! game one of the world series is tomorrow night! championship yeah! are you friggin pumped, philly? i wasn't on your side for any of those NBA conference finals back in the 80s, but i'm on your side this time! that's because you're taking on the yankees & those douche nozzles are my sworn enemies so i'm supporting you! their douchiness is your gain, phillies! fyi, it's the world series, so you need to use a bounty of exclamation points or you won't be taken seriously as a sports journalist! steve phillips, for instance, didn't use enough exclamation points. ha!
so yeah, go phillies. win your senators some cheesecake. according to the ny times, "if the yankees win the world series, new york senators charles e. schumer and kirsten e. gillibrand will get a supply of philly cheese steaks. if the phillies win, pennsylvania senators arlen specter and bob casey will win a supply of junior’s cheesecakes." maybe if the phillies win, junior's will throw in a free mouse for the PA senators! senator specter feeds on baby mice anyhow. well, at least he does if he still has room after eating a 543 calorie, 37g of fat slice of junior's cheesecake. surprisingly, that's actually less than his state's cheese steak, which has 690 calories & 29g of fat.
as the times points out, the best part about the whole world series wager is that senator gillibrand "was just railing against obesity monday morning at a rachael ray event." maybe it's just a friendly wager & we shouldn't look into it that much, but maybe gillibrand's PR people should coordinate her messages better? if they did, glen caplin (her chief spokesman) wouldn't have to call back the times & utter the words, "the senator believes in everything in moderation, except winning world series titles." um, nice save glen but GO PHILLY! BACK 2 BACK!
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