pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in sausage (2)


TOTAL sausage fest.

as i've mentioned in the past, since moving to NYC a decade ago, two of my siblings have followed me down to the city. my sis is a doctor working & living on the upper east side & about once a month, on a rare day where she's not working, we try to get together for a meal. usually i head over to her studio apartment & she whips up one random dish or another. this past sunday, i visited her & she concocted a tomato, spinach & onion indian dish that had big chunks of tuna in it. although neither of us could remember having tuna in an indian dish, it somehow worked.

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only in ny #1: bierkraft

snack: landjäeger / strudel
drink: harpoon island creek oyster stout / sixpoint sweet action

guess what time it is? it's NEW COLUMN TIME! since i live in nyc & a good percentage of you DEVOTED eat!drink!snack! readers are also here in the city, i'm introducing "only in ny," a column devoted to establishments here in the city that i've stopped in for a snack & a drink. enjoy...

i'm a beer snob connoisseur. fuck wine. fuck hard liquor. i drink beer. i drink it for the taste. i drink it for the funny things it does to my brain. it's good like that.

a formative moment in my beer drinking history:

back in college, i was in a non-sexual assault ridden frat & when we threw parties it was all shite keg beer & "punch" served in a dark basement. i was all "fuck basement beer." it's a scientific fact that milwaukee's beast tastes like ass, so i decided that if i was going to get wasted on copious amounts of beer & mack on chicks, i was going to at least enjoy getting wasted.

my solution: i carried around newcastle in a backpack, which, as a phish phan, was a staple of my outfit anyhow & helped solidify my reputation as "the hippie brother."

these days, i'm just as snobby.

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