pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in taco (8)


#196 - tracks & snacks 2011.

for the past two years, when this time of year rolled around & i sat down to compile my top ten tracks & snacks of the year, it's been a relatively painless process. not so this year. in the past, i've always been able to open up itunes, take a look at my list of most played tunes & easily compile a list. this summer, my computer finally decided to kick the bucket for good, taking all the precious "most played" info with it & forcing me to rely on my memory, a task which is a dicey proposition at best. 

...so there's inevitably something i'm forgetting but i have to give nods to das racist, st vincent, cut copy, adele, shabazz palaces, los campesinos, atlas sound, pj harvey, destroyer, girls, anvil hands & cities aviv who, if this was a top 22 list, all had songs worthy of being on it. in the end, each artist on this year's list has never been in my top ten before although three songs from the albums on my mid-year top five list made it into the 2011 top ten.

...so if you're the type who's looking for a shiny new band to call your own, there are ten great candidates below & links to videos for eight of the songs & "listen" links for the other two. ALSO, since spotify has finally made its way to america, i've tossed up a playlist of the nine top ten tracks that are available on it, so if you swing that way, have at it here. BRING ON THE TRACKS! BRING ON 2012! SMELL YA LATER 2011!

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...a few lil' bites.

NOT DEAD! that's right. if you were wondering, with the radio silence that's occurred here at eat!drink!snack! over the past month & a half, whether the blog had finally gone the way of millions of other blogs before it & kicked the bucket, the answer is "no, virginia." NOT DEAD! as i tend to do every year, i burnt myself out on pumpktoberfest & along with the mid-november start of a new job, it just seemed like a good time to take a break in preparation for everything that i have planned for the new year. that's right...i have "things" planned. here are just a few lil' bites...

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and the tacos will set you free.

sometimes you'll want tacos. then, sometimes you'll want tacos again. then again, at other times, for reasons that you just can't psychologically or nutritionally explain, the only thing you'll want to eat every day without fail for a week straight is tacos. over the course of that week, you might have an occasional falafel sandwich or bowl of granola & chobani, but a solid 90% of your meals will be tacos.

you will not be ashamed.

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only in ny #11: oaxaca.


snack: potato y poblano taco
drink: jarritos toronja

when it comes to food, i often go through phases. over the past year or so, i've gone through a dumpling phase, a sushi phase, a stir-fry phase & a burger phase. basically, during these phases, whenever i eat out i try to get that type of food & whenever i'm at home cooking, i'm trying to replicate my favorite dishes from when i eat out. these days i'm knee-deep in a taco phase, or what a trained pyschologist may describe as a taco "fixation." i always have a bag of corn tortillas in the fridge & a few limes at the ready. when i stayed in astoria this past weekend watching the pooches, i made a point to go to el rey del taco truck. for the last three weeks, i haven't gone more than two days without eating a taco.

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tomorrow morn, i will poop the remains of korean tacos out of my butt.

this afternoon, i was in the city for work-related developments & since i'm never EVER in the city these days (long live brooklyn!), i scanned the ol' twitter feed to see where the manhattan food trucks were hanging out today. i discovered that one of the korilla BBQ trucks had parked on park & 25th at 11am, just blocks from my work-related destination. i'm down with korean tacos. korilla BBQ for the win!

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