dunkin' pumpkin.

HAPPY PUMPKTOBERFEST, EVERYONE! that's right...for the third year running, eat!drink!snack! will be bringing out all the stops for the next month, treating the world to a 31-day blur of PUMPKIN & HORROR FILMS! IT'S THE MOST PUMPKTASTICAL TIME OF THE YEAR! in 2009, i paired sixteen different pumpkin beers with my top sixteen horror movies. last year, i paired thirteen (mostly new) pumpkin beers with a bunch of horror films that i'd never seen before.
in 2011, eat!drink!snack! is taking things to a whole new level. in addition to a bunch of new pumpkin beer-horror film pairings, this year we'll be shining the pumpktoberfest light on pumpkin beers, pumpkin drinks AND pumpkin snacks, with pumpkin-themed guest posts from some of my favorite bloggers, interviews with some of my favorite pumpkin beer brewers & purveyors and an all-around focus on all things pumpkin. IT'S GOING TO BE HOTTER THAN THE APOCALYPSE.
to kick off the festivities in style, today we're featuring a seasonal treat that's become a somewhat frequent guest on my breakfast menu lately--a dunkin' donuts' pumpkin donut. every year around this time, dunkin' donuts rolls out their fall-themed menu, which this year features apple cider, pumpkin coffees & lattes, a caramel apple donut, a pumpkin muffin & the aforementioned pumpkin donut. then, after only a few months, they mess with our hearts & minds and take it all away...bastards.
personally, i really like their pumpkin donut. if i ever get a donut from dunkin' donuts, it's usually one of the chocolate glazed ones & this is nothing more than a pumpkin version of that. the flavor's mostly about the pumpkin spices but surprisingly, there's actually pumpkin (powder) in the donuts. hell if you can taste it all that much but still, that's good for something. ringing in at a cool 340 calories, half of which are fat calories, it's not exactly the most healthy way to start your day but as long as you know how to practice moderation & don't eat two of them a day every day of the week, you'll be fine. in my case, i burn off a third of those donut calories walking to & from the nearest dunkin' donuts. PUMPKTOBERFEST FITNESS TIP!
STAY TUNED! on monday, we'll be featuring our first pumpkin beer-horror film pairing of the pumpktoberfest season!

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