i'm the oldest of four children & while i'm obviously the funny one, my sister (who's two years younger than me) has solidly cemented herself as the one most qualified to perform surgery & distribute meds. for the last three years, she's been working at a hospital out in phoenix & as of this past weekend, she's officially a doctor. her convocation ceremony was on saturday & i'd yet to visit her, so a week ago this thursday, i hopped on a jumbo jet & paid a visit to her & the state known for passionate anti-immigration, slacking on MLK day & sprawl as far as the eye can see...that and spring training baseball & old people. word is they're also known for a big hole in the ground.
since my life pretty much revolves around food, going into the trip, my sis & i had decided that other than sleep & the convocation (which actually ended up being a hour-and-a-half ceremony sandwiched between a cocktail hour & a dinner), the singular purpose of our four days together was to eat as much tasty, mostly-arizonacentric food as possible.
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