pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in candy (19)


#199 - jonesin'.

today is a time for rejoicing, eat!drink!snack! groupies. what you're currently reading is the 200th meditation i've written here on eat!drink!snack! you may be saying to yourself, "WAIT, JERK. WHY IS IT LISTED AS POST #199? WHAT UP WIT DAT?" well, sherlock holmes, it's meditation #200 because back in the semi-early days of the blog, i did a two-part post (#80a, #80b) about the two national semifinal games of the 2009 NCAA final four. yay, basketball. for our 200th post, we're going to talk about drugs. that's right...the funny stuff.

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ferrara panorama.

there's something deliciously exciting about cheap, processed junk food. at the top of that cheap heap are the 25¢ boxes of ferrara pan candies. for over 100 years now, the illinois-based candymaker has been churning out tiny, round candies in a variety of sugary sweet flavors. ever had an atomic fireball? how about a jawbuster? ferrara pan invented both of them classics. although their website is a bit outdated-looking, they do have sufficiently fleshed out pages with histories & whatnot for each of their candies, so that's cool.

this weekend, i picked up a few boxes of their candies. TOTAL DAMAGE = 75¢. yeah, pocket change. today i broke them out & munched on them throughout the work day, rekindling all sorts of childhood memories as i performed extraordinary feats of data entry...

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#176 - richly poor.

OMG guv'ment! you f'n suck right now. get it together! you've taken the issues of extending tax cuts & unemployment benefits & turned them into majors & miners in your neverending game of political stratego. ok fine, that was a lame analogy with lame wordplay. bad on me. ok fine, you're sticking to your guns. good on you. i can respect the fact that you're doing that. what i can't respect is the fact that on the republican side, you're pitting benefits to the rich against benefits to the poor in an effort to have your political party come out on top. you don't fuck with leaving millions of people in the lurch so that you can make sure that people who will survive just fine regardless still get theirs, y'know? i mean...what would jebus do?

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#164 - 7/11.

we all remember 9/11. how could we forget it, really? it's a day where thousands of u.s. citizens were killed. even if we wanted to forget the date, there's the phrase that came with the day & was plastered on posters & bumper stickers all around NYC: "never forget." y'know, just in case mass death & the impetus for two wars & hundreds of thousands more deaths wasn't enough to make you remember. nobody really remembers 7/11 though. it's a date that's important not just because it's the name of america's most beloved chain convenient store. it's also a day jam packed with memorable, historical moments.

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#161 - WTF?

hey BP! WTF? you've really caused one hell of a mess down in the gulf of mexico, huh? it's been fifty-six days and counting since your oil rig blew up down in the gulf, killing eleven people & releasing oil into the gulf and from what i can tell, there's still no end in site. at first, you tried placing the blame elsewhere & since then, you've deployed a handful of ridiculous methods in an attempt to try & stop the leak and contain the spill, methods with comical names like "top kill" & "junk shot." surprise surprise...none of them have worked & with thousands of gallons of oil pouring into the gulf each day, the spill is now almost as large as pennsylvania.

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