pumpktoberfest #43 -
treat yoself.

spice up yer nuts.

pumpktoberfest 2010!

#195 - links &
drinks 2011.

Entries in tv (40)


#162 - three months after...

new orleans seems like a hell of a city. i've never visited there myself, but from what i envision, it's unlike any other city in the nation, a city that thrives on its rich culture. it's got chill people, good music, good food & good times and regardless of whether things are good or bad, there's the city & people & the culture & those help keep folks going. the only person i know in new orleans--my good pal mike--relocated down there a little while back & he seems to be doing well. basically, he lives & works there, enjoys the nightlife & helps run "the NOLA defender," a pretty sweet culture & news site that covers the heart, mouth, mind & soul of new orleans. i guess it's legit, because they recently had an interview with richard dreyfuss. but yeah...i think i could get to like new orleans.

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#152 - twenty-two minutes.

this weekend, before i sat down for the evening's snack & drink, i was on the phone with a friend explaining that in my next blog post, i planned on discussing things that are twenty-two minutes long. his response was "like taking a dump?" i was all like, "twenty-two minutes? it takes you that long?" personally, when it comes to doing my business, i'm in & out in five minutes tops, but i suppose that for some people, if you're sitting on the can for twenty-two minutes, that's acceptable. if you're standing at a urinal for that same amount of time, that might be a problem though. if it takes you twenty-two minutes to deftly execute your corporate strategy, that's acceptable. if it takes you twenty-two minutes to execute a prisoner by electrocution...not so deft.

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#150 - limited appeal.

this past weekend, i decided to take advantage of my newly-acquired on demand capabilities & checked out the first four episodes of how to make it in america, hbo's newest series. the half-hour comedy-drama, which premiered back on valentine's day, is produced by most of the same dudes who produce entourage (including mark wahlberg) & it's basically a new york variation on the entourage concept. whereas with entourage you have a group of four dudes trying to make it in hollywood whilst occasionally partying their asses off, how to make it... features two dudes trying to make it in new york's fashion scene whilst occasionally partying their asses off.

as it is, the premise is sort of boring & the content's only slightly better. i have to say that after watching the first four episodes, i'm not all that impressed & if i wasn't a new yorker, i feel like i'd be even less so. like with bored to death, there's a lot of stuff going that's very nyc-specific & might not seem very interesting to folks who don't live here. here's what they've given us thus far:

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#140 - ...the end of the year as we know it & i feel meh.

time to do some reflectin', loyal eat!drink!snack! readers! loyal readers, you're SO loyal that i'd feel bad if i lied to you & said that 2009 hasn't been the most exhausting year thus far in my 35 year existence. i think it was that way for a lot of people, so at least i'm not alone, but man, i am so ready for 2010 to begin so i can implement some sort of calendar based-psychological shift & let the happiness start rolling on in again. as that shift approaches, i definitely have a lot to be thankful for, but there's a lot going on in my world & the world at large that calls for the use of a rather large frowny face, one with non-true blood or twilight inspired fangs. 

at the start of the year, when we were inaugurating the new hope & saying goodbye to eight years of bush hell, i tried to be optimistic that obama & democratic congressional majorities would turn the country around, but twelve months later, i can't say that i'm impressed. guantanamo's still open, the health care debate is off-the-rails & the current bill is disgustingly compromised. ten percent of my friends still can't get married. we're upping the troop count in afghanistan, but that was expected, since obama did say that he would do that in the campaign. i didn't vote for him though, so i have a right to be disappointed by him.

...but there are a bunch of bright spots. despite the music industry's shortcomings, i'm as excited about music as i've ever been (year end bests to come!). the same goes for tv. for the first time in a long time, i can't count the shows i follow on my fingers alone. i need toes too! i wish i could say the same about film. as for the world of literature, 2009 marks the first year in my life that i didn't read one book...not one. instead, i spent the time that i would've usually spent reading books on the internet, reading blogs & news sites. i can't say i'm sad about the lack of books in my life this year though, because i've consumed enough media & info that my curious nature has been sufficiently sated.

i've also had an unquantifiable mess of fun in '09. there was my summer chicago trip for the pitchfork festival, where 1% of the calendar year equaled 10% of my 2009 fun. there were bunches of concerts, including multiple bday week dirty projectors shows, this summer's phish shows & ac/dc from the second row. there were the occasional visits from out-of-town friends, from the periodic todd martin visit to drop-ins by now-new orleans resident mike weber to a long weekend visit from my childhood friend & strong proponent of portland, chris dorin. as a bonus, when chris visited, he brought me a booyah amount of snacks from oregon, which will soon be featured in a january series i'm putting together on portland & their mostly-awesome snacks.

the thing i'm most thankful for at the year's end is the fact that i still have a job & as of jan 1, will have been at my job longer than any other in the past. as of november's numbers, 10% of the nation's still unemployed & throughout the course of the year, i've lost a number of co-workers to job cuts. having a job means having a roof over my head & that's something i've reminded myself of all year long. it also means that i can maintain a constant flow of tasty snacks & drinks into my belly. it means that at night, when i'm tired & done with people for the day, i can return to my abode, sit down with a snack & drink & engage with my best friend, this here blog.

2009 was the year when this here blog & writing in general became one of the most important aspects of my life. 2009 was the year where folks started introducing me as "a writer" as opposed to "some guy who does some music industry thing." 2009 was the year where i penned thirty something columns for the amazing fuckedinparkslope, which is run by ms erica, just one of the amazing people i met this year & someone who, just a few weeks back, elegantly captured the reasons why having a blog both totally fucking sucks & totally fucking rules.

for eat!drink!snack!, 2009 was the year where i introduced a new column that's now helped me reconnect with journalism (my initial college major). it was the year where twelve folks (& my bro) blew me away with hilarious/insightful guest columns. it was the year where i OD'd on pumpkin beer for a month. it was the year where i finally decided to sort of think about what i was eating. for eat!drink!snack!, it was a good year. for me, it was meh. i'm already way optimistic about 2010 though. if nothing, we'll get the final season of LOST, a show with a title that's quite fitting for the times. once that's done though, i'm not sure what we'll do. hopefully we'll learn something about how to reset time or something.

#140 - ...the end of the year as we know it & i feel meh.
snack: blue diamond habanero bbq almonds
drink: tröegs dreamweaver wheat ale

as i sit here reflecting on the past year, i'm snacking from a can of blue diamond habanero bbq almonds that i came across this holiday season up at a nh wal-mart. i have a long & colored history with blue diamond, from their lime chili flavor that i tried out way back in january as an accompaniment to college football's '08-'09 championship game to their wasabi & soy sauce flavor, which was my #1 snack of 2008. the habenero bbq ones are one of a few slightly-new blue diamond almond flavors & from what i can tell, they're so new that they haven't had the resources to add them to their website yet. stupid economic downturn. here's to them making it onto the website in 2010.

they're aight & definitely live up to their name, with sufficient bbq flavor & sufficient spicy pepper flavor on blue diamond almonds. a year after declaring them my #1 snack, i'd still pick the wasabi & soy sauce ones over any other nuts. i don't think i could say the same thing for the habenero bbq ones, but they're still pretty damn good. they have a taste akin to a good bbq chip (which, btw IMHO is hard to find) & the habanero flavor adds a nice kick to the mix. plus, with blue diamond almonds, as long as you're a fan of nuts & near-excessive flavoring, you really go wrong. they're tasty & relatively ok to consume, with their fiber & low carbs & whatnot. if you can find them wherever it is that you live, they're definitely worth checking out.

since i started dreaming of a more-promising 2010 months ago, i'm pairing the almonds with a bottle of tröegs dreamweaver wheat ale, made by harrisburg's tröegs brewing co. tröegs has been brewing out of PA's capital for the last decade plus & at the moment, they offer over a dozen beers, all with puntastic names & interestingly-designed labels. i've tried out a couple of their beers, including their sunshine pils, which i tried out back in april. although the sunshine pils was one of three tröegs beers that won a medal at this year's GABF & promised the sunshine of pils, i still felt pretty meh after drinking it. overall, from what i've sampled of their beers, they've been good but nothing special.

as for the dreamweaver, it promises dreams but was also fairly meh. the flavor's fine & all, but it's pretty much your average, everyday wheat bear with less of a cloudy, wheaty consistency than you'd expect from a good, quality wheat beer. i drank it relatively quickly & when i was done, i had trouble thinking of anything unique about what i'd just drank. their website mentions that is has a slight banana taste, which would have been unique, but i didn't notice it at all. it's also only 4.8% ABV, so if i was looking to get shnookered (fuck it, i'm on vacation!), i'd need to down a bunch of them to reach my goal. in this economically-challenged, post-9/11 world, having to do that somehow seems wasteful.


#132 - & now for something completely different.

& now for something completely different: an eat!drink!snack! blog entry about something funny. by something funny, i don't mean that i'm actually going to break tradition & be funny. i mean that i'm going to talk about monty python's flying circus, the uproariously funny sketch comedy show which made its debut on bbc one forty years ago this past monday. i first started watching the show when i was a teenager & although a good amount of it was british stuff i didn't understand, i fell in love with it. as a result of repeated viewings, the show's dry, ridiculous tone is probably responsible for about 50% of my sense of humor. i'm sure there are countless others out there who would say the same thing.

& now for something completely different: a man with three buttocks...a man with a tape recorder up his nose...a man with a tape recorder up his brother's nose. have you got anything without spam? i don't care how fucking runny it is! i'm a lumberjack & i'm ok. i fart in your general direction. what did you expect? a spanish inquisition? strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! know what i mean? wink wink. nudge nudge. say no more.

& now for something completely different: career paths! when the show eventually came to an end in 1974, its members ended up taking a divergent set of paths. between fawlty towers & a fish called wanda, john cleese arguably became the most famous of the troupe, but through a string of awesome directorial efforts, terry gilliam has given him a run for his money. terry jones has done a bunch of writing & michael palin ended up doing a number of documentaries, a ton of which have been travel docs. graham chapman did a bit of acting after python, but died at age 48, twenty years ago this past sunday. eric idle is probably best known for creating the rutles & spamalot, the broadway production which supports the theory that he's over-commercialized the show over the years.

& now for something completely different: a smart idea on the internet. back in november of last year, in response to the wide array of monty python videos up on youtube, they decided to set up their own youtube channel & put up a bunch of the best monty python clips. all they asked from fans was that in exchange for them putting a bunch of high quality clips on youtube for free, the fans go out & buy their DVDs. as a result, sales on amazon rose by 23000%. i didn't even know that percentage existed. anyway, in this brand new interweb world, they pretty much put to bed the fear that giving your content away for free would kill sales. you hear that, record industry?

#132 - & now for something completely different.
snack: peppercorn ranch sun chips
drink: hawaiian punch fruit juicy red

this weekend, i picked up a big ol bag of peppercorn ranch sun chips. they're a new flavor for sun chips, along with roasted sweet chili & spicy chipotle, neither of which i've come across in my snack travels. as part of sun chips' initiative to move to a 100% compostable bag by next year, this bag of peppercorn ranch came in a bag made from 33% recyclable materials. i don't have an active compost bin or anything, so once they go fully compostable, my bags will likely linger in a landfill for years, but it's still a pretty cool idea. 

as for the chips themselves, the flavor's good enough to put them in a tie with french onion for the coveted "tastiest sun chip" award. i love pretty much anything with ranch on it, but the peppercorn combination really works for me. like other sun chips, they're flavorful, but not too flavorful, making it possible to eat a ton of them at once without making yourself sick. as such, by monday night, i'd finished off the entire bag pretty much single-handedly. any chip that's both healthy and supports my gluttonous tendencies is ok in my book.

since i've been in a hawaiian mood lately on the blog, i decided to take a trip down memory lane this weekend with a bottle of hawaiian punch fruit juicy red. back in the day, i used to drink a good amount of the stuff & generally, it came in a large aluminum can you had to use a can opener on. old school! it's not as good as i remember it being though. it's full of sugar & is basically the fruitiest fruit punch available, but i guess to my parents, at the time, if i was drinking hawaiian punch, at least i wasn't drinking soda.

as a kid, i was inspired by hawaiian punch's commercials, which featured punchy, the hawaiian punch mascot. in the ads, he'd walk up to this other character (opie) & ask him "how about a nice hawaiian punch?" since it's impossible to resist a nice hawaiian punch, opie would always answer in the affirmative & punchy would sock him one. aided by that phrase, i've dealt a lot of bruises myself over the years...good times.

hawaiian punch updated the punchy character in 2003 & now they're all 2006 style on their website, which is laid out as punchy's pad. while he lounges on the couch like a lazy hawaiian, you can get all interactive with a game called "punchy's pursuit," where punchy tosses bottles of hawaiian punch & other debris onto the street from the back of a truck & you have to clean up after him. given their environmental leanings, i'm sure the people at sun chips are quite unhappy about punchy's wanton littering. not me though. i love that hawaiian's mischievous capering.